
Graduate School of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Kagoshima University

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International Linkage Programme on Tropical Fisheries

International Linkage Programme on Tropical Fisheries

This curriculum aims to develop globally-capable personnel through allowing students to take subjects and award credits offered by overseas universities with which the School possesses linkages. There are requirements to complete the programme in addition to the requirements to graduate from the School. Students in the programme are given priority for receiving support to study at universities overseas. Double registration into this programme and the Foreign Student Programme is not be permitted.

Postgraduate (Master) Programme on Tropical Fisheries with International Linkage (ILP)
The Postgraduate (Master) Programme on Tropical Fisheries with International Linkage (ILP) is an international higher education alliance which was founded by the fishery-related postgraduate schools of Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia, Kagoshima University, Japan, University of the Philippines Visayas, and Kasetsart University, Thailand in August, 2014. With joining of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Nha Trang University, Vietnam, IPB University, Indonesia, and National Chiayi University, Taiwan as new members, ILP is now run by eight universities of seven Asian countries and started accepting students in April, 2015.
This Programme forms its curriculum by sharing the characteristic subjects offered by the member schools and assumes all the students registered in the Programme at their home university as the Programme students, therefore, the member schools provide education services equal in quality to all the Programme students. The Programme students can enjoy education which is hardly conducted by one university with no additional cost and obtain credits.
The curriculum is managed the Governing Council (GC) of ILP which is comprised of representatives of the member schools under the Common Rule of ILP and guarantees the quality of its education to produce globally competitive manpower. The Common Rule has been established as it fulfil the institutional systems for higher education in the countries of member schools. The certificate of completion of ILP is granted to students who satisfy the requirements set by ILP Common Rule in addition to the master degree which is granted by their home university.

Policy for Organisation
The member schools shall mutually understand the missions and visions of the respective schools and their universities, the higher education systems in respective countries, and the education systems of respective universities, and shall, respecting individual independency and autonomy of the member schools with close and continuous cooperation, formulate the Programme under a unified and common system pursuant to the Common Rule.
The member schools shall, with linkage and cooperation, endeavour to enhance the quality of the Programme and to improve the system for management of quality of education.

Objective of Education
The objective of the Programme is to develop talented persons who are equipped with theoretical and applied knowledge in sciences and technologies relevant to tropical and sub-tropical fisheries and have fostered capabilities with which they can participate actively in the globalising society.

Policy for Certification of Completion of Programme
The policy for certification of completion of the Programme shall be that a student has studied the following items and has fostered the relevant capability;
(i) theoretical and applied knowledge in sciences and technologies relevant to the tropical and sub-tropical fisheries,
(ii) in situ experiences on and enriched understanding of the industry, society and culture relevant to fisheries in other country(ies), and
(iii) capabilities with which a person can participate actively in the globalising society.

Policy for Composition of Curriculum
The Programme shall compose its curriculum, making the best use of the characteristics and forte of the member schools, in order for students to attain theoretical and applied knowledge in sciences, to enrich understanding of the industry, society and culture relevant to fisheries in other country(ies) with in situ experiences, and to develop their capabilities with which they can participate actively in the globalising society.

Admission Policy
Each member school shall endeavour to accept to the Programme qualified students as listed in the following items;
(i) students who want to study theories and applications in sciences and technologies relevant to the tropical and sub-tropical fisheries,
(ii) students who want to have in situ experiences on and to enrich understanding of the industry, society and culture relevant to fisheries in other country(ies), and
(iii) students who want to foster his/her capabilities with which they will be able to participate actively in the globalising society.

A student who wants to register for the Programme shall, preferably, have studied the fisheries science or sciences/technologies on the aquatic fields or human activities relevant to the aquatic fields at the level of Bachelor degree, and have received sufficient education to foster communication in the English language and understanding of scientific and technological matters in global issues and for enhancement of understanding foreign cultures.

Regarding the further information of the Programme, readers are requested to refer the detailed descriptions in the home page of the International Linkage Course on Tropical Fisheries of each member school.