
Graduate School of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Kagoshima University

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Foreign Student Program

Foreign Student Programme

This programme is specifically prepared to enable foreign students to fulfil all the requirements to complete the Master’s course of this School through studies conducted only in English. To this end, special arrangements have been made, including offering some compulsory subjects in English. Refer to the following curriculum and “List of Subjects” to prepare the course work schedule under the guidance of the main supervisor. It is strongly noted, however, that the Curriculum and Registration Rules of the School shall be applied to basic matters relevant to enrolment, registration, credits, research, graduation requirements etc. in the School, except as stated in the special arrangements explained herewith for foreign students. It must be also noted that foreign students who do not register for this Programme shall study mainly in Japanese in accordance to the standard curriculum of the School.

Curriculum for the Foreign Student Programme

Compulsory Subjects Students must be awarded all the 14 credit points listed below. (unit: credits)

Technology, Sustainable Food and AgricultureThe Synergy 2 (in English)
Fisheries & Fisheries Sciences2 credits (in English)
Thesis Research Advanced Ethics1 credit (in Japanese & English)
Thesis Research Special Study I3 credit (in Japanese & English)
Thesis Research Special Study II4 credit (in Japanese & English)
Thesis Research Special Study III2 credit (in Japanese & English)

Elective Subjects

Students must be awarded the 16 credit points in the form of “elective subjects” (taught in English or Japanese & English) are shown in “List of Subject”. Reading through the notes added to the List of Subjects is strongly suggested.

Advice for Registration into the Programme

Registration for the Foreign Student Programme

All foreign students who study in this Programme shall register upon enrolment into the School. There is no limitation on the number of students joining the Programme.

Withdrawal from the Foreign Student Programme

When a student registered for the Foreign Student Programme wants to withdraw from the Programme, promptly notifying the School is required. Withdrawal from the Programme after the confirmation of registration of subjects offered in Semester III is not permitted. It must be noted that the stated special arrangements shall not apply to students who withdraw.

Prohibition of Double registration into the “Foreign Student Programme” and “International Linkage Programme (ILP) in Tropical Fisheries”

Double registration into the Foreign Student Programme and the International Linkage Programme on Tropical Fisheries is not be permitted.