







「優秀な者」について、現在、社会人の者は最終学歴の学業成績(GPA Grade Point Average)、在学生は現在在籍する課程の学業成績が2.30以上であり、奨学金支給期間の在籍課程においてもこれを維持する見込みがある者をいう。さらに下記「⑺語学能力」を満たす者をいう。


















過去に日本政府(文部科学省)奨学金留学生であった者(学籍発生後辞退者を含む)。なお、文部科学省学習奨励費(MEXT Honors Scholarship)は日本政府(文部科学省)奨学金留学生にあたらないため、過去に受給歴があっても応募可能。


2 奨学金支給期間

3 奨学金等




4 奨学金支給停止事項

5 提出書類
ア 申請書
イ 写真(最近6カ月以内に撮影したもので4.5×3.5cm、上半身、正面、脱帽、裏面に国籍及び氏名を記入し申請書所定の場所に貼付のこと、電子データ可)
ウ 本人の国籍身分を証明する書類(例えば、パスポートの写し、本国の戸籍謄本、市民権等の証明書の写し)
エ 最終出身学校(高等学校又は大学)の成績証明書(出身学校で発行したもの)
オ 最終出身学校(高等学校又は大学)の卒業(見込)証明書又は学位記
カ 上記「1(7)語学能力」のいずれかの条件を満たす根拠となる書類(例:TOEFL,IELTS,JLPT等の証明書)
キ 在学証明書(大学等に在学中の者)
ク 成績証明書(大学等に在籍中の者の場合、在籍大学の成績証明書)
ケ GPA計算表(エクセルファイル)
コ 最終出身学校及び在籍学校におけるGPA基準表

6 出願期間及び送付先


面  接:2023年12月25日(月)


7 その他


Mail: nkgaku@kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

➢ 実施要項   
➢ 申請書    
➢ GPA計算表  
➢ CEFR対照表 


Special Program that conducts priority placements for MEXT scholarship students in FY 2024(Undergraduate Students)

Kagoshima University was selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to award “Special Program that conducts priority placements for MEXT scholarship students in FY 2021”. The purpose of this Special Admission is to designate preferentially Japanese Government Scholars to the national, public or private universities that have existing international programs, which the Japanese government has selected beforehand as being internationally appealing. For Kagoshima University’s “Program for nurturing professionals who can work for the stabilization of sustainable food production in Southeast Asia coastal countries, “Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) Scholars will be preferentially assigned for the next three years (until FY 2024). This program will be conducted in line with the “Special Course in International Food and Resource Sciences”, which started in AY 2015 through the cooperation between faculties of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Special Course is designed to provide the students with opportunities to gain knowledge and to contribute to the global industry and community. The students are also able to explore the field of sustainable agricultural and fisheries production and rational utilization of food resources with enriched global views and ethical perspectives with focus on Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and Africa. The curriculum of the Special Course is composed of classes conducted mainly in Japanese and some classes conducted in English.

(1) Eligibility:
Undergraduate Students: International students with outstanding academic achievements of undergraduate school level who enter Japan as new students and those already staying in Japan.
* “International students with outstanding academic achievements” must have earned a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.30 or above in their degreed (for those who are employed) or currently enrolled courses, and be able to maintain that GPA while receiving the scholarship. Furthermore, applicants must meet any one of the language requirements stated in (7) Language Proficiency.
* If a GPA cannot be calculated from the transcript, only in cases in which a “letter or others from dean at high school/university/faculty attended” clearly states that his/her grade ranking at the high school/university or faculty attended is within the top 30%, MEXT deems that the applicant’s academic achievement is equivalent to a GPA of 2.30 or above. If the university recommends such student, a copy of the above letter (or other) must be submitted to MEXT.
* From the viewpoint of attracting the best international students, it is possible to nominate international students presently residing in Japan for priority placement (hereinafter referred to “domestic recommenders”). However, the number of domestic recommenders should not exceed 40% of total candidates.

[Definition of “domestic recommenders”]
  • Those who are staying in Japan with a medium- to long-term resident status at the time of application. Those who have their base of residence in Japan, not including tourists and short-term visitors who are staying in Japan for the purpose of taking entrance examinations, etc. It is irrelevant whether the applicant is residing in Japan from the time of after application to the start of scholarship payments.
  • Applicants residing outside Japan at the time of application, but will come to Japan as a privately financed international students before the start of receiving scholarship payments.

* If you are or will be in Japan as a privately financed international student, you must complete your program at the school you are enrolled or plan to enroll in before receiving scholarship payments.
* Travel expenses will not be paid for domestic recommenders, regardless of the reasons stated in ① and ②. If applicants return to their country of nationality after applying under condition ①, however, there are no exceptions if students return to Japan before scholarship payments begin.

(2) Target Area:
   Southeast Asia, Africa

(3) Nationality:
Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. Applicants who have Japanese nationality at the time of application are not eligible. However, persons with dual nationality who hold Japanese nationality and whose place of residence at the time of application is outside of Japan are eligible to apply as long as they choose the nationality of the other country and renounce their Japanese nationality by the date of their arrival in Japan (the acquisition of student status).

(4) Number of students to be admitted: 4 people

(5) Age:
   Applicants, in principle, must be born on or after April 2, 1999.
Exceptions are limited to cases in which MEXT deems that the applicant could not apply within the eligible age limit due to the situation or circumstances of the applicant’s country (military service obligation, loss of educational opportunities due to disturbances of war, etc.). Personal circumstances (financial situation, family circumstances, state of health, circumstances related to applicant’s university or place of employment, etc.) will not be considered for exceptions.

(6) Academic Background:
Undergraduate Students: Applicants must satisfy any one of the following conditions.

  • Applicants who have completed 12 years of schooling in countries other than Japan. (Applicants who will certainly satisfy the above condition by the time of enrollment are eligible.)
  • Applicants who have completed their studies at a school equivalent to a Japanese upper secondary school in countries other than Japan. (Applicants who will certainly satisfy the above condition by the time of enrollment are eligible.)
  • Other than the above qualifications, applicants who are eligible for enrollment in a Japanese university.

(7) Language proficiency:
Applicants must satisfy any one of the following conditions to prove that they have sufficient Japanese or English language ability.


  • Applicants must pass with N2 or higher in the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) at the time of application.
  • Applicants are regarded by the accepting universities as having Japanese language ability equivalent to or better than ①.
  • In cases of adopted programs such as “preparatory education and bachelor degree courses” in special programs, applicants are expected to have Japanese language ability equivalent to or better than ① at the time of completing the preparatory course.


  • Applicants must pass or achieve scores in English language proficiency tests that correspond to B2 or higher level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) at the time of application.
  • Applicants must complete school curriculums that meets the conditions for admission in a Japanese university using English as the main language.
  • Applicants are regarded by the accepting universities as having English language ability equivalent to or better than ①.

(8) health:
   Applicants who are judged by the university to have no physical or mental conditions hindering the applicant’s study in Japan.

(9) Arrival in Japan
In principle, applicants must be able to arrive in Japan between April 1, 2024, and April 7, 2024. Departure from the home residence should be on or after April 1.
   Excluding cases in which MEXT deems as unavoidable circumstances, the applicant must withdraw from this scholarship program if the applicant cannot arrive in Japan by the end of the specified period above. If an applicant will arrive in Japan before or after the specified period due to personal circumstances, travel expenses will not be paid.

(10) Visa Requirement / Status of Residence:
An applicant shall, in principle, newly obtain a “Student” visa at the Japanese diplomatic mission located in the applicant’s country of nationality, and enter Japan with the residence status of “Student.”
Please also note that if a grantee arrives in Japan without newly obtaining a “Student” visa, scholarship payments will be cancelled. Moreover, as the Japanese government requires pre-arrival tuberculosis screening for some countries, applicants obtaining a visa shall follow guidance at the overseas establishment of Japan located in the applicant’s country of nationality.

* Visa requirements and status of residence for domestic recommenders
For those whose current status of residence is not “Student,” applicants must change their status of residence to “Student” at the local Immigration Services Agency in Japan by time of registration as students at the accepting university. Even in cases of having other statuses of residence (“Permanent Resident,” “Long Term Resident”, etc.), applicants must change their status to “Student” and begin their courses of study as Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students. It is important to note that applications for “Permanent Resident” or “Long Term Resident” status after status of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship student ends, may not be granted as a matter of course. Also, if studies as Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students begin without changing status of residence to “Student,” scholarships will be canceled. For those whose current status of residence is “Student,” they must complete the renewal procedures before the expiration of their periods of stay. Additionally, in the event of changes in school enrollment, notification must be submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 19-16 of the Immigration-Control and Refugee-Recognition Act.

(11) Non-Eligibility:
Those who meet any one of the following conditions are ineligible. If identified ineligible after being selected as a scholarship student, he/she must withdraw from the scholarship.

  • Those who are military personnel or military civilian employees;
  • Those who cannot arrive in Japan by the date specified by MEXT or the accepting university;
  • Those who are previous grantees of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship programs (including those who withdraw from the scholarship program after acquisition of student status). In addition, since the Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students does not apply to the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship programs, the previous grantees can apply;
  • Those who are currently also applying to another program under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship system. This includes the programs for which scholarship payments will begin in FY2024;
  • Those who are planning to receive scholarship money from an organization other than MEXT (including a government organization of the applicant’s country) on top of the scholarship money provided by MEXT after the start of the scholarship payment (the acquisition of student status);
  • Those who are expected to graduate at the time of application and cannot satisfy the condition of academic background by the deadline given;
  • Holders of dual nationality at the time of application who cannot verify that they will give up Japanese nationality by the time of the arrival in Japan (the acquisition of student status);
  • Those who plan to, from the time of application for the MEXT scholarship program, engage in long-term research (such as fieldwork or internship) outside Japan or plan to take a long-term leave of absence from the university;
  • Those who have no intention to obtain a degree;

(12) Others:
MEXT Scholarship will be granted those who are willing to contribute to mutual understanding between Japan and their home country by participating in activities at schools and communities during their study in Japan while contributing to the internationalization of Japan. They shall also make efforts to promote relations between the home country and Japan by maintaining close relations with the university attended after graduation, cooperating with the conducting of surveys and questionnaires, and cooperating with relevant projects and events conducted by the Japanese diplomatic mission after they return to their home countries.

The scholarship period shall be the necessary period for the completion of the respective regular course.

(1) Allowance:
Regular students enrolled in bachelor degree courses: 117,000 yen per month. (A supplemental regional allowance of 2,000 yen or 3,000 yen per month will be added to the monthly scholarship amount for the grantees studying or conducting research in specially designated regions.) Due to the situation of the Japanese Government’s budget, the amount of payment may be subject to change each fiscal year. If a grantee is absent from the university for an extended period, the scholarship shall be suspended for that period.

(2) Traveling Expenses:
① Transportation to Japan: MEXT will stipulate the travel schedule and route, and provide an airline ticket. However, MEXT will not provide an airline ticket for cases of domestic recommenders. The airline ticket will be an economy-class ticket for the flight from the international airport closest to the grantee’s residence (in principle, the country of nationality) to an international airport in Japan used on the normal route to the accepting university. The grantee shall bear at his/her own expense all costs related to domestic travel from the grantee’s residence to the nearest international airport, airport taxes, airport usage fees, special taxes necessary for travel, travel expenses within Japan (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses, carry-on luggage or unaccompanied baggage expenses, etc. The grantee shall also bear at his/her own expense travel and lodging costs incurred in a third country if the grantee must travel to a third country before coming to Japan for visa purposes because there are no Japanese diplomatic missions in his/her country, and the Japanese diplomatic mission is closed in his/her country, or if there are no direct flights from the grantee’s country of residence to Japan. MEXT will provide an economy-class airline ticket from the grantee’s country of residence to the said third country, and from the third country to an international airport in Japan used on the normal route to the accepting university. In principle, the address given in the space for “Your address before departure for Japan” on the application form shall be recognized as the “residence,” and the airline ticket will be arranged for a flight from the international airport nearest to that address. Except for cases when the grantee must travel to a third country to obtain a visa, MEXT will not provide an airline ticket for cases of travel to Japan from a country other than the grantee’s country of residence due to the grantee’s personal circumstances.
② Transportation from Japan: Based on the application by the grantee, MEXT will provide an airline ticket to grantees who shall graduate or complete the accepting university and return to the home country by the end of the final month of the period of scholarship (See “2. PERIOD OF SCHOLARSHIP”) designated by MEXT. MEXT shall provide an economy-class airline ticket from the international airport in Japan used for the normal route to and from the accepting university to the international airport (in principle, in the country of nationality) nearest to the returning grantee’s residence. The grantee shall bear at his/her own expense all costs related to travel from the grantee’s residence in Japan to the nearest international airport, airport taxes, airport usage fees, special taxes necessary for travel, travel expenses within the country of nationality (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses, carry-on luggage or unaccompanied baggage expenses, etc. If a grantee returns to the home country before the end of period of scholarship due to personal circumstances, or reasons stated in “4. SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT OF SCHOLARSHIP,” MEXT will not pay for the returning travel expenses. If a grantee continues to stay in Japan after the scholarship period has ended (ex. proceeding to further education or being employed in Japan), travel expenses for a temporary return will also not be paid.

Payment of the scholarship will be cancelled for the reasons given below. Should any of the following reasons apply, the grantee may be ordered to return a part of, or all of, the scholarship paid up to that time. Payment of the scholarship may also be stopped during the period up to the decision on the disposition of the matter.

  • A grantee is determined to have made a false statement on his/her application;
  • A grantee violates any article of his/her pledge to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology;
  • A grantee violates any Japanese laws and is sentenced and imprisoned for an indefinite period or for a period exceeding 1 year;
  • A grantee is suspended from his/her university or receives other punishment, or is removed from enrollment; as a disciplinary action in accordance with school regulations of the accepting institution;
  • It has been determined that it will be impossible for a grantee to complete the course within the standard period of study because of poor academic grades or suspension or absence from the university;
  • A grantee came to Japan without newly acquiring the “Student” residence status, or changed his/her residence status to one other than “Student.” In case of domestic recommenders, they begin studies as Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students with a status of residence other than “Student” or changed his/her residence status to one other than “Student.”
  • A grantee has received another scholarship (excluding those specified for research expenditures);
  • A grantee proceeds to a more advanced level of education without receiving approval for an extension of the period of the scholarship;
  • A grantee withdraws from his/her university or transfers to another university;
  • A grantee’s annual GPA is below 2.30 or the grading standard set by the university.

5 Documents to be submitted
a) Application Form (with photograph)
* The photograph must be taken within the last six months, should be 4.5 x 3.5 cm in size (to include upper body, full face and no hat).
b) Photograph (Electronic data)
c) A copy of applicant’s passport (or copy of a certificate of family register, certificate of citizenship or other identification issued by the government of his/her home country)
d) Official academic transcript(s) for all years of last high school/university attended (issued by the high school/university attended)
e) Certificate(s) of (prospective) graduation or a Diploma of last high school/university attended
f) Proof of language ability that meets any one of the conditions in above “1. (7) Language Proficiency” (ex. a TOEFL, IELTS or JLPT score report or a language of education certificate)
g) Certificate of enrollment (for those currently enrolled in a university or other institution)
h) Official academic transcript (if the applicant is currently enrolled in a university or other institution, an official academic transcript from their university can be submitted) (optional)
i) Calculation Sheet for GPA (Excel format)
j) Materials that serve as the basis for your conversion of GP and calculation of GPA of last high school/university attended

6 Application Period and Screening Process
(1) Application Period
From December 11 to December 14, 2023 (must be received by this date)
Document a)-j): Applicants must send their digital data of application
documents by E-mail to the following address.

① Documents must be written in Japanese or English, or translation into the Japanese language must be attached when prepared in other languages. All documents should be in A4 format using a word processor or other, if possible.
② Submitted documents will not be returned.
③ If any of the above application documents are incomplete or inaccurate, or if the accompanying documents are not included, the application will not be processed.
④ Any documents submitted after the designated deadline will not be accepted.
⑤ We do NOT accept the original documents after this deadline in principle. If you cannot send the application documents within the date because of natural disaster etc, please let us know the situation as soon as possible.

(2) Screening Process
Document Screening: Thursday, December 21, 2023
Interview: Monday, December 25,2023
Admission results: by the end of February 2024 (planned)

Based on all submitted documents, Kagoshima University will select the qualified candidates for an interview. Those who are selected for the interview will be notified about the date and time of the interview by December 22, 2023. The interview will be conducted online, connecting the applicant’s location and Kagoshima University. Kagoshima University will forward the results to the MEXT, who will conduct the final screening process. The Admission results will be announced to the applicants on February 2024.

7 Others
In addition to 4 Japanese government scholars, this program will accept privately financed international students. For detailed information, please see the application guidelines for privately financed international students (AY 2024 which will be posted in the Website of Kagoshima University.)

For inquiries, please contact:
Special Course in International Food and Resource Sciences
Student Affairs Section, Faculty of Agriculture,
Kagoshima University
Korimoto 1-21-24, Kagoshima, JAPAN
ZIP 890-8580

Tel: +81-99-285-8452
Fax: +81-99-285-3533
Email: nkgaku@kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

Download Application Guidelines and Forms
➢ Application guidelines    
➢ Application Form      
➢ Calculation Sheet for GPA  
➢ Comparison chart of CEFR and other qualifications